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Wednesday 10 April 2013

Painting Projects from the Bottom of the Figure Pile (1)

In what no doubt made perfect sense at the time, AWB seems to have at one stage purchased some 15mm Nuns from Peter Pig. They are classic pengiun style, have some figures armed with nasty looking sticks and are all rather angry looking.
Why AWB decided to own these is anyone's guess. What AWB is going to do with said figures is alway open to speculation. While they may have been purchased as part of the incedibly slow moving Tomorrow's War 'Fallout' project - in which case they probably should be based up as individual figures - AWB struggles to see a need for a crack squad of Nuns fighting their way across a 15mm Capital Wasteland and hence the current plan is to base them up as a small unit of Fields of Glory horde.

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