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Thursday 25 April 2013

Civilization V (or, 'are you really stupid or just programmed that way?')

AWB has been playing Civ V recently, as you do. Or more correctly 'as you do when you should be doing something else instead of collection Steam Achievements'.
In this game, like most of the other Civ franchise, the AI nations are given vaguely historical personalities. In theory this means they will act towards you in an historical and realist manner. In practise it means they will constantly heckle, insult, belittle and finally, if they think they can get away with it, invade you regardless of how friendly and agreeable you attempt to play your nation. Be passive and they call you a wimp. Active and you become a hideous expansionist who dared to settle near their boarders.
What can one do? Parabellum.
So, AWB is playing and into the end game. Everything is going nicely, the cities are growing and the only real question is will the Science or Culture victories tick over first.
Up turns the Japanese ambassador to exchange friendlies.
"Your nation is puny and weak! It is a wonder you have not been overrun by barbarians!"
(or words to that effect)
"Well excuse me Mister Fancy Pants. If you had been paying attention, WE have spilt the atom and have satellites in orbit. You on the other hand have finally worked out that black goo you find on the ground can be used as a fuel and still think sitting on the back of a horse is a pretty cool idea."
So, we nuked them.
Three times.
This is also the Gods and Kings expansion, which brings (in AWB opinion to the vast improvement of the game) religion back into the game system. True it is another stat to micromanage but if you were not into a little micro management you probably wouldn't be playing Civ.
While this does a lot of new things within the game, the prime thing is allowing construction of Missionary units which roam the map doorknocking on your cities door and asking if you wish to talk about the Word of Great Xhara'clu the Destroyer when you are trying to cook dinner. Normally these units are just annoying, yet at times of war they become flagged as legitimate enemy targets and hence, if you play your cards right, allow you to sometimes be rewarded with the following...
"Your Guided Missile has attacked an enemy Missionary and Destroyed it".
Come on, let's be honest, we have all really really wanted to see that in our lives at one time.

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