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Wednesday 24 April 2013

Tank Basing - pt 2

As threatened early, AWB has, through the magic of the Android phone, managed to take some photos of the current basing project.
As you will recall, AWB has been experimenting with basing styles for some 10mm WW1 armour.
In this photo, together with models in various states of unpaint, we can see the brick paper road under the Whippet Medium. This seems to have come up simple, quick and effective although verges can probably do with some flock to give the entire base a little colour.
Other bases are for the MkIV and MkV* and are of course pre undercoat. Post undercoat they all just look like black rectangles so no photos of that stage. What we have is 'green stuff' with an over coat of PVA glued building sand to give texture. Major sins are to be hidden under the actual tank model which is why the centre of the bases is slightly more casual then the edges.
The trench parapit seems to have come out well, although in retrospect the effect may have been better if one had started the trench side on the edge of the base rather then leaving the step gap as has been done here.
All models Pendraken. Bases are 30x40mm.

Not completely finalised on the tank colours. Whippets seemed to have been painted straight green without significant markings, where as some sources seem to indicated the MkIV era tanks were brown. The MkV*, being an 1918 era vehicle should probably be a green, although from photos it is not immediately clear if the colour is a browny green or a greeny brown. The MkIV should probably also should have the white/red/white markings... or not. Black and white photos in the book 'Tank Action in the Great War - B Battalion's Experiences 1917' by Ian Verrinder don't seem to show the white/red/white but do show largish ID numbers (ie B 17) on the sides of the front horns in what seems to be white and a white square between the rear horns on the hull showing the ID number again in rather bold large black lettering.
The inner modeller within AWB also has been considering making the unditching rails out of light plastic card for this tank but will probably leave that idea to the next project.

1 comment:

  1. Itzenplitz is most impressed by "zee" tanks. As indeed are his Turkish allies.
