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Friday 19 April 2013

Vehicle basing in 10mm

Here at AWB we are not normally in the habit of basing any of our vehicles. This we can probably put down to a few things. First would be the several years solid where the WW2 gaming scale of choice was 15mm and second would be laziness.
However, time and themes more on and the Butchers of the Bellcurve gaming group AWB games with have been recently been moving into a reasonable amount of WW1 gaming in the 10mm scale and so the question has re arisen.
In the good old days there still probably wouldn't have been a problem. As most will recall, back in distant past, figures were based on whatever old bits of rough cut cardboard and thrown on the table. These days of course we have access to laser cut MDF board, which at 3mm think means our foot heroes now tower above the puny landships that are meant to be supporting them.
So in order to regain that vital height advantage it seems that AWB will be forced to base the small but growing collection of MkV* and Whippets. In itself that seems an easy enough task but of course this is the 21st century and wargaming figures are not longer JUST based, they are made into highly detailed mini dioramas.
At this stage of the project we are still at the experimental stage to see what is actually going to both visually work and also not drastically drag out the already glacial painting time. Having found some brick paper (it is paper printed in colour with scale bricks. You make walls out of it, or... leave it half hidden in the painting room for 8 years. Your mileage may vary), one of the tanks is to go on a section of paved road.
The MkV* is hoped to get a section of ground broken by water filled shell craters. At this stage we only have thin lumps of Green Stuff on a base so not as yet ready to claim this one as a success. The MkIV base is currently the most adventurous, with an attempt to construct the sandbagged edge of a trench for the vehicle to loom up over. Again this is being done with Green Stuff, a product AWB does not normally have a lot to do with and may also, in all honesty, be slightly date expired.
Photos later maybe.

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