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Sunday 5 May 2013

Tank Basing - Pt 3

As the slow march of painting does actually roll on we reach a stage where AWB can show the status of some of the projects currently being (slowly) worked on.
As you will remember, a slow effort to base some 10mm armour has been moving along at a speed not dissimilar to the actual vehicles themselves, and here, again thanks to the magic of Samsung SII phones (not that AWB doesn't have access to some fine F1.4 prime lenses and a DSLR camera or anything... cough) we can see how some of these attempts have been coming along.

All figures from the Pendraken ranges. All breakfast spreads from Kraft.

In the front we have some Austro-Hungarian infantry. Maybe not the best angle as it give the impression some of the figures are totting SMGs rather then the rifles they are actually holding. Still experimenting with how the bases will end up. Currently that is building sand over a dark green base coat with that foam style green flock glued in clumps. AWB is currently musing on choosing a different basing decoration for the other nations currently being worked on in order to help identify the stands from a distance. Not quite sure what will come of that plan at this stage, but may end up involve painting the edges of the MDF bases in the parent nations base uniform colours.
In the back row we have our Whippet on it's brick paper road, the MkIV looming over the sandbagged trench wall and a French Schneider CA1 showing the work with green stuff required to fix the worse of the models flaws.
Again, maybe not the best angle for the MkIV but the effort in making the trench out of green stuff does seem to have paid off. With a better viewing angle the model does successfully rear up in a very menancing 3mph sort of way. Putting that basing project down as a success.
AWB must confess to being a slight bit disappointed with the CA1 model. French WW1 armour has not really been treated well in wargaming models and AWB has yet to find a model in any scale that successfully capture the shape of both the CA1 (as shown in the photo) and the larger St-Chamond (this vehicle with the massive fore and aft overhang that kept getting stuck in trenches and shell holes). Green stuff here has attempted to restore the squarer corners of the hull and add some height to the roof ridge but AWB is still not completely happy with the model. It is however extremely unlikely any of us are likely to get a newer design on the markets. WW1 is still a bit of a novelty period and west front 'trench' combat tending to be avoided for the more traditional meeting engagements found on other fronts. (The Butchers of the Bell Curve group AWB games with does WW1 almost completely in the Balkans or Near East for example.) French armies therefore seem to be less popular and the demand from gamers for massive amounts of French armour is probably just a little low compared to, well, just about everything else. For a manufacturer to feel it worth their while to remake their Schneiders and St-Chamonds (or even get really exciting and offer different production versions of these vehicles) seems very unlikely.
AWB can dream though.

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